Government Increases Fuel Prices Amid Covid-19 Pandemic


The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has announced the fuel prices for the period May 15 to June 14.

EPRA raised the price of petrol by Ksh3.56 while retaining diesel and kerosene prices from April. Therefore, fuel retails at Petrol Kshs.126.37, Diesel at Kshs.107.66 and Kerosene at Kshs.97.85 in Nairobi.

“The prices are inclusive of the 8% Value Added Tax (VAT) in line with the provisions of the Finance Act 2018, the Tax Laws (Amendment) Act 2020 and the revised rates for excise duty adjusted for inflation as per Legal Notice No. 194 of 2020,” EPRA stated.

Prior to the changes, fuel prices in Nairobi remained unchanged from March 14 to May 14, with Petrol retailing at Kshs.122.81, Diesel at Kshs.107.66, and Kerosene at Kshs.97.85.

In Mombasa Petrol will be sold at Ksh123.95, Diesel at Ksh105.27 and Kerosene at Ksh95.46.

Nakuru motorists will buy Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene at Ksh125.98, Ksh107.55 and Ksh97.76 respectively. Eldoret traders will sell Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene at Ksh126.90, Ksh108.46 and Ksh98.68.




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