Man on the Run After Girlfriend Fell From 4th Floor Balcony

police vehicle

Police are looking for a man whose girlfriend died after falling from their apartment balcony.

The incident took place on Saturday morning, July 3, within Ngumba estate.

The matter was reported by Joshua Owiti, a security guard at Kwea House at around 04:00 am.

According to a police report, Kelvin Amwayi Yakhama and his girlfriend Jackline Muthoni had an argument in their apartment before the incident.

Ms Muthoni fell from the fourth floor balcony as a result of the commotion caused by the heated disagreement.

She was attended to by Fast responder health Services personnel before being rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

Mr Amwayi is said to have fled the scene before the police arrived.

police vehicle
Police vehicle

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