A canopy over the taxi and bus pick up drop points a necessity, at KAA International airports

20191202 120038
20191202 120038

This weekend was one of those that was mired with extremely heavy rains being experienced in various parts of our country Kenya. Just as it has always been with these extreme rains comes some eye opening scenarios of things that we have been living without or in some scenarios the things that we have been living with that were scantly done thus leading to disasters in some cases.
This weekend saw the KAA International airport travelers being heavily rained on an incident that really was one of those that points to an unacceptably poor service rendered by KAA, a leading giant company in Kenya! One would struggle to understand the reason for not providing them (the canopies) because indeed these are one of the key safety items that KAA should begin to look into as a necessity and measure of protecting their customers, at this point there is absolutely no excuse for not covering the drop off points and walkways to the terminals.
But just how much would it cost KAA to build a canopy over the taxi and bus pick up and drop off points on both sides of the terminals at their international airports? Is it a pleasure seeing their customers being rained on? Even pergolas to protect the travelling public whilst walking from the drop-offs or car parks would really come in handy at this point of need where the rains are here with us. With the increased global warming there is bound to be an increased change in climate change in that the usual weather patterns that we have always been living by might be interrupted thus this a necessity that needs to be looked into urgently, as part of good customer service to even protect the public travelers from the even at times scotching sun.

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