A Man and Woman Who Travelled From Nairobi Found Dead in Machakos County

couples foud dead in machakos
couples foud dead in machakos

A man and woman believed to be lovers who travelled from Nairobi were found dead in Machakos county Sunday afternoon.

The two were found in Kamuoni village in a peculiar position as the man was hanging on a rope while the woman was kneeling.

The two alleged lovers are identified as Dennis Pius and Susan Ndeto aged 28 and 19 respectively. They are said to have gone to the man’s home on Friday evening.

Susan’s mother called her daughter on Friday but couldn’t get an answer so she travelled to Machakos just to find her daughter dead.

Area Assistant Chief Ruth Mwende who confirmed the incident said investigations have already begun.

The bodies of the two were taken to the Kangundo Hospital Mortuary awaiting for a Post-Mortem.

couples found dead in machakos county

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