Al Shabaab Militant Who Participated In El Adde Attack Surrenders To Kenyan Police

KDF Paying respect

Twist as one of Al Shabaab militant who participated in the 2015 El Adde attack of Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) surrenders to Kenyan authorities.

The terrorist, Khalif Abdinoor Mohamed, is said to have gotten in touch with Burahale Police Station boss who facilitated his travel to Mandera.

The suspect said he has been a member of the terrorist group since 2013 and had managed to escape on August 30, 2020.

Among the details the suspect volunteered is the structure of the working groups deployed along the Kenya-Somali border.

He disclosed that he has been serving as part of a contingent manning the Elram and Khorof Harar areas on the Kenya-Somali border.

He added that the militia is placed in groups of 30-35 but operate in much smaller groups.

He said that they never spend more than three nights in one location as part of their modus operandi.

Police say that the suspect will be transported to Nairobi for further interrogation to establish the motive of his surrender.

KDF Soldiers on patrol

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