Anti Terror Unit Recovers Illegal Arms and Ammunition

riffle recovered
riffle recovered

Illegal arms and ammunition suspected to have been sneaked into the country for terror activities were recovered yesterday evening by DCI Anti-Terror Police Unit.

The weapons that include M4 sniper rifle with an effective range of 500 meters were recovered from two ladies; Joyce Muthoni mwihia and her mother Goretti Mwihia.

The duo hold dual citizenship and are both residents of Racecourse, Dagoretti Corner in Nairobi. Also recovered in the scene were 4 pistols and a close quarter Uzi automatic sub machine gun with capability of firing over 600 rounds per minute.

Also recovered in the operation were an assortment of over 3700 rounds of ammunition of different calibre which would have definitely resulted to a fatal situation.

This comes after The United States had warned her citizens of visiting Kenya due to Covid-19 and terrorists attack. It is however a good thing that the Anti-terror unit uncovered it before the ordeal.

The duo are currently being held in custody for further interrogation as ballistic examination of the cache continues.

Riffles recovered
riffle recovered
riffle recovered

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