Big Blow To Zuchu And Diamond Platinumz Of Wasafi Records.

Zuchu and Diamond
Zuchu and Diamond

Diamond Platinumz collaboration with his newest Wasafi Signee Zuchu has been taken off YouTube after what is alleged to be copyright claims. Upon searching for the song on YouTube you stumble on a small message from YouTube saying:”Video unavailable. This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Tony Anthony,”

The song dubbed ‘Cheche’ was already trending at number one on YouTube in both Kenya and Tanzania only five days after its release. It had already garnered over 2.5 million views on YouTube alone.

This is despite the song causing some controversy after Zuchu allegedly used some lyrics from Tanasha Donna’s song featuring the OG dubbed ‘Ride’ which led to Tanasha throwing shade at Zuchu.

Tanasha Donna’s manager came out in defence of Tanasha stating that the original will always last longer than the copy while no one defended Zuchu.

Its not clear what copyright infringement made the song to be pulled down from YouTube yet.

Zuchu and Diamond
Zuchu and Diamond

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