Big Women and Fashion

big women
big women

Wrapping the stomach. Ever heard of it? Well this is what [highlight]fashion today[/highlight] is pushing big. If you’ve noticed big women today in the world are walking around with just as flat stomachs and thinner waist as the thin girl next door.

One Jessica Alba admitted to wearing two corsets day and night to help whittle her waist back to its pregnancy size. Gwyneth Paltrow poured herself into two pairs of wraps to push her post-pregnancy purge into submission.

[highlight]What Is A Body Wrap?[/highlight]

A body wrap is a way to promote excessive sweating in a particular area of the body, which can result in not only significant loss in weight, but the reduction in toxins throughout the body. In many ways, the results that you will get from a body wrap is much like what you would experience from spending time in a sauna or steam room. The only differences that a body wrap provides more substantial changes in size and weight over a shorter period of time.

Depending on the kind of body wrap that you choose, and whether or not you opt for an at-home body wrap or one that is done in a spot, they usually consist of some type of skin exfoliation followed by application of oil and finally wrapping the body with plastic or some other type of material.


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