Boda Boda Riders Beat Up Driver Outside GSU Headquarters


Boda boda riders caused chaos along Thika Superhighway after they ganged up on a motorist who had hit one of the riders.

According to eyewitnesses, the driver is said to have encountered a tyre burst, lost control of the vehicle and hit a rider outside the GSU headquarters in Allsops.

Other drivers who were using the road began hooting to chase away the boda boda riders who were hitting the driver, but the drama went on.

GSU officers who arrived at the scene managed to sort out the chaos and resolved the traffic snarl-up created by the commotion.

Witnesses blamed boda boda riders who took the law into their own hands instead of trying to find a solution.

“The driver did not hit the motorcycle on purpose. Why are they beating him up yet it was a tyre burst that made him lose control,” one of the witnesses shouted.


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