Brian Kimani’s Body Finallly Released from Gertrude Children Hospital

Brian kimani mock burial
Brian kimani mock burial

Brian Kimani’s body has finally been released from Gertrude hospital after being there for a period of four months due to hospital bills that amounted to 17 million Kenya shillings.

Brian Kimani Njoroge had leukaemia while being treated in Gertrude children hospital where he succumbed after 5months.

His family couldn’t raise the accumulated hospital bill so the management decided to keep the dead body.

For months the family has been writing to the hospital management to release their son’s body for burial but they couldn’t reach an agreement with the hospital management.

It was at this point that family made headlines when they decided to bury an empty casket on the honour of their son due to pending bills.

Today Gertrude children hospital gave the family a chance to bury their son after a payment agreement that will commence after two weeks when Brian has been laid to rest.

The pain of losing a son, only a parent can understand the fight to give him proper send-off really questions the type of health care the government has in place.

Gertrude's Hospital speaks out on claims of detaining boy's body ...
Brian kimanis family

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