Cardi B and daughter Kalture are gracing the cover of Vogue magazine.

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Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar was born in October 11 1992. She is professionally known as Cardi B. Cardi is a grammy award winning American rapper.

Her mother is from Trinidad and her father is Dominican. She shared that growing up she always dreamt of being a famous rapper.

“I was always that person, like, I didn’t have lots of friends, but people were excited to see me in class because they knew I was funny. They was dying to hear a story from me.” She said.

The rapper made history as the first female rapper to cover the United States cover of vogue. The shoot features the bronx rapper in red and white dress and matching red pumps. Cardi posses holding her daughter Kalture.

In her interview, the rapper talks about challenges she has been facing as a famous rapper, mother and a wife.

Being a mom — how can I say it? Things are a little bit harder to balance, but it’s good for the mental,” Cardi B shared. “Like, if I’m playing with my daughter, I forget about the issues.”

Cardi went ahead and explained how she handles pressure between motherhood, new album and fame. “Its hard for me to be soft, period” she told Vogue.

“When me and my husband got into our issues—you know, he cheated and everything—and I decided to stay with him and work together with him, a lot of people were so mad at me; a lot of women felt disappointed in me,” Cardi explains. “But it’s real-life shit. If you love somebody and you stop being with them, and you’re depressed and social media is telling you not to talk to that person because he cheated, you’re not really happy on the inside until you have the conversation. Then, if you get back with them, it’s like, how could you? You let all of us down. People that be in marriages for years, when they say till death do us part, they not talking about little arguments like if you leave the fridge open. That’s including everything.” She added.

“Bodak yellow”, her 2017 breakout single, bacame the first number one hit by a solo female rapper in nearly two decades, since Lauryn Hill’s “Doo Wop” in 1998.

Cardi B is currently working on her new album to be released in 2020.

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