CBK Governor Patrick Njoroge Narrates How Police Mistakenly Escorted His Look-Alike To Nairobi CBD

Patrick Njoroge

Central Bank of Kenya Governor Patrick Njoroge narrated how police escorts were given to his looking-like cousin in the event of mistaken identity.

On that day, his cousin had some business at the CBD in Nairobi, so he parked his car in Ngara to take a matatu to town.

The matatu was full, so he decided to stand along the street for a while.

The police had started a crackdown on overloading matatus and he was picked up after a few moments.

The governor’s cousin and others were arrested, handcuffed in pairs and placed into a police vehicle.

“My cousin did not utter a word of protest and was completely compliant. Others protested loudly in vain as the police meant business,” Governor Njoroge narrated.

After reaching the police station, the suspects were presented to the OCS, and the governor’s cousin caught his attention.

Suddenly, he asked “Where did you arrest this suspect from?”  and without waiting for an answer he ordered them to take him back where they found him.

“In the end, the officers got another vehicle and were ordered to take him wherever he wanted to go. And that is what happened. My cousin showed up at his CBD appointment in a police car! He says the officers were very courteous,” Governor Njoroge concluded.

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