Charlie Sheen’s step to make his HIV status public could land him into big trouble.

Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen

American actor Charlie Sheen could be digging up himself into deep trouble after coming out openly about his HIV status on Tuesday 17th of this month on the NBC show.

I am here to admit that I am in fact HIV positive and I have to put a stop to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks, of sub-truths – very harmful … stories that are threatening the health of so many others.

Since learning that he was HIV-positive, Sheen says that he has told all of his sexual partners about his status. But now, how many women has this actor really slept with after being diagnosed with HIV?

Sources reveal that Charlie has slept with hundreds of women including prostitutes and pornstars who he brought at his home and most of them are now coming out claiming Charlie did not disclose his HIV status to them.

Some of them have now threatened to have him sued in a court of law for transmitting the virus to them knowingly and if the court rules in their favour then he will have a lot to pay for.

In his defence, Charlie said that since his diagnosis he has only had two sexual patners who were both under the care of his doctors.

The actor who is popularly known for his roles in the comedy Two and a half men seemingly has a lot to answer and if not careful he may end up in big trouble for revealing his HIV status.

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