China Accused Of Having Covered Up Coronavirus Infection Back In 2012


New details have emerged that some Chinese people had suffered from a Coronavirus related infection back in 2012. The infection had affected 6 people in which more than a half of them died before the researchers could find out what was wrong with them.

The six had been tasked with cleaning bat feces in an abandoned copper mine in the hills south of the town of Tongguan in the Mojiang region. After a while they all started exhibiting symptoms that relate to that we have seen on Corona Virus patients.

After the first two men died, the remaining four underwent a barrage of tests for haemorrhage fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and influenza, but they all came back negative. They underwent more tests and the results was nothing like the scientist had ever experienced.

After the two had died, the remaining four survivors were found to have antibodies against another, unknown Sars-like coronavirus with the two who had fully recovered having the most antibodies.

A young medic by the name Li Xu made a thesis on the research carried out from then to which he said, “This makes the research of the bats in the mine where the six miners worked and later suffered from severe pneumonia caused by unknown virus a significant research topic,” Li concluded.


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