Schools In Kenya To Re-open In January 2021.

CS Magoha
CS Magoha

The ministry of Education in Kenya today has announced the academic year 2020 will be considered lost due to the ongoing pandemic. Primary and Secondary schools will re-open in January come next year.

The decisions were arrived at following consultations with all leaders responsible and putting into consideration COVID-19 diminution measures.

According to CS Magoha, the colleagues resolved to suspend the initial plan of having phased re-opening in September this year. This is after parents expressed their reservations about sending their children to school might prompt the rise in corona virus cases.

However universities are urged to consider phased re-opening only after achieving physical and social distancing in dining and lecture halls. If not, virtual learning will continue and all planned activities including graduations.

CS Magoha and colleagues
CS Magoha and colleagues

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