Ekuru Aukot Suspended As Thirdway Alliance Party Leader


Ekuru Aukot has been suspended as the leader of Thirdway Alliance Party following a National Executive Council (NEC)  meeting hosted today.

During the dramatic meeting, Ekuru was relieved of his duties pending determination of his disciplinary case.

In the issues mentioned, he is being suspended for verbally assaulting Deputy party leader, Angela Mwikali.

“Your vote is and was inconsequential. We are past SG. Bring your brains to the meeting on Monday and lets hear what brainy things you will say, assuming that will be in right mental state,” read an email from Ekuru Aukot. 

Angela Mwikali accused him “using and calling women names” urging him to stop “the use and dump mentality.”

He was also sued in February by Mwikali alongside two other people, demanding to find out the source of funds used to popularize the Punguza Mzigo Initiative.

He has further been ousted for defying court order in Children’s case No 1591 OF 2019.


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