Emergency Fund for LSK Members. Covid-19

Nelson Havi

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) will now set up an emergency fund to provide basic assistance to a multitude of its members amid the coronavirus outbreak.

According to the society, the recent directive by Chief Justice David Maraga for the courts to remain closed in the war against Covid-19 left most of their members in limbo.

LSK President Nelson Havi, speaking to local media outlets, said the money raised from the fund will be used to pay rent and purchase basic necessities such as food for their “needy members” whom he said are in their “thousands.”

“The most immediate concern for us is to get food and rent for those affected. We are raising money and will be able to pay rent for those desperate and have been kicked out of their rental houses,” he said.

“As we speak right now, there are law firms which have sent their associates on unpaid compulsory leave and we must move faster to help them.”

LSK Vice President Carolyne Kamende Daudi reiterated Havi’s statements saying she had also received numerous requests from members – both directly and indirectly – seeking assistance.

“Members, we may choose to hide our heads in the sand but this is the sad reality that we now have to face.

We need to bravely look out for each other. We need to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper,” she said. “As Council, we are endeavouring to set up the Emergency Fund which will take some bit of time due to logistics.

We, however, need to immediately put some interim measures to assist some of our members meet their basic needs.” She further stated:

“I have established that some supermarkets allow customers to shop using Safaricom Bonga Points. We can explore this and create a pool to assist in getting the essentials from the supermarkets through the purchase of care packages for our needy

Nelson Havi

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