Former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri Changes His Opinion On BBI


On Sunday, November 29, former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri, made a U-turn and placed his support behind President Uhuru Kenyatta hardly a year after he was ungraciously expelled from the Cabinet.

The Service Party (TSP) leader, who has been a long-standing critic of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), has announced that he has changed his heart because the document has taken into account people’s needs.

Kiunjuri further mentioned that the BBI, championed by Uhuru and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, addresses the concerns of the majority.

“We are looking at this draft bill, study it, engage our people and we shall give our verdict. We are very clear on all those issues that are contentious.

“If those issues have been addressed, we shall sit down as leaders. We already agreed that the MPs who are coming should not be flower girls. They should come with money for their constituencies,” he stated.

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