Former Senator Johnstone Muthama Ditches wiper and Swears Support for Deputy President Ruto Come 2022

former senator muthama ditches wiper party
former senator muthama ditches wiper party

The former senator for Machakos county Johnston Muthama, has decamped from Kalonzo Musyokas wiper party and vowed to support deputy president William Ruto in his bid for becoming the 5th president of the Republic ok Kenya.

Muthama publicly ditched the party when he was put on notice by the party on grounds of alleged insubordination and defiance of the party ideologies and principals.

The party chairman Chirau Ali Makwere, noted that it wasn’t Mr Muthama’s place to act upon the party in liaison with the deputy president ambitions to become president.

Mr Muthama was given a fourteen-day notice to appear before the Wiper party disciplinary committee and show cause over his support to the deputy president.

The former senator shaded the party request and this what he noted:

“What business do I still have in wiper? I have no business to be in the wiper. I will ensure William Ruto becomes the 5th president of Kenya. And for the record, I am not being expelled from Wiper, I vomited wiper in 2017, excuse me,” he said.

“I am working round the clock to team up with Ruto to ensure that he is elected. We can only meet with Ruto to discuss serious issues.”

This comes after the wiper party signed an agreement to work with President Uhuru’s Jubilee party.

Former senator Muthama

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