Fred Omondi demands 300k from Raila Odinga


Comedian Fred Omondi has accused Orange Democratic Movement party leader Raila Odinga of failing to pay him money he owned him since 2013.

Fred Omondi took to Instagram and said thay for seven years he has been trying to reach Raila to ask for his money but did not succeed.

The comedian explained that it all started in 2013 when the comedian says he was asked to be one of ODM’s masters of ceremony during their final submission rally for the general elections which was held at the Nyayo stadium.

He said he was not paid  his dues for the last seven years and that the  seven years  have been hell as he tried to claim his dues.

He took to instagram and wrote;

“Hallo Baba. Am a Kenyan Artist. A Comedian, Mc, and Musician. This has nothing to do with Politics. Am just here for some small justice Baba, hope this finds you, because your people made sure I never reached you all these years whenever I demanded for whats rightfully mine. @odingaraila Remember in 2013 when you ran for Presidency, your last rally was at Nyayo Stadium as H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta was at Uhuru Park, I was called upon to be part of ODMs MCs that day alongside Dagoretti MP John Kiarie and Comedian Mdomo Baggy, @kiariejohn @__.mdomo.baggy__ who can confirm the same, and from the clips, you can also tell I was there working,” Fred Omondi wrote.


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