Heavy downpours keep Nairobians on the road for hours


Nairobi, The City in the Sun, was on Tuesday evening, turned to the City under Water after a heavy downpour. Many got stuck in traffic until late hours after major Highways were turned to waterways surprisingly even the Thika Superhighway was tested.

The misery was shared by scores of city motorists trapped on impassable roads until the small hours of Wednesday morning, as well as by homeowners in some housing estates whose property was damaged by flood water and even leading to the passing on of some Kenyan residents in Kayole area and Baba dogo.

Many city residents have, however, pointed out that the flooding is mainly caused by an inadequate drainage system and construction on waterways allegedly approved by City Hall and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).

The drainage inadequacies come even as Mr Kidero the county governor is receiving a lot of critics due to the delayed response on the havoc.


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