Churchill Comedian Prof. Hamo An Apology A week After Being Exposed As Deadbeat Dad

Prof. Hamo and Jemutai
Prof. Hamo and Jemutai

Comedian Herman Gakobo Kago alias Prof Hamo on Tuesday evening, May 18, made a public apology following accusations by comedian Jemutai that he was a dead beat father.

In the statement made on his social media platform s, Prof Hamo owned up to his mistake and went on to ask his family for forgiveness for the trouble he had put them through in recent weeks.

“I had to go back to family and make good with them otherwise all this would have been a facade. We are patching up things, not there yet but headed there by His grace,”read part of the statement.

He went on to thank Churchill founder Daniel Ndambuki and life coach Robert Burale for acting as intermediaries and helping sort solutions.

“A big thank you to Jemutai for agreeing for us to sit-down and have a peaceful discussion on how we are going to raise our kids. A special thank you to Zippy you still accommodated me despite my short comings.”

The comedian also apologised to his young children and hoped that they would forgive him once they were old enough to understand the situation.

“To my young ones, life is not an easy road, papa is very sorry and he hopes one day when you are old enough to understand you will forgive me. I love you and I will always be here for you.

“To the RMS family, I’m sorry that you got dragged into all this. To you my fans, without you I am just Herman. With you I am Prof Hamo. I am deeply sorry for letting you down,” continues to read.

He concluded by stating he was working towards being a responsible person, dad, husband and man.

Comedian Professor Hamo

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