Home-schooling in Kenya


A large population of Kenyans have been subjected rather always opted for regular school programmes for their children , some Kenyan parents would even prefer taking and getting their young ones enrolled in for boarding schools at a very early age, and many at times the reason for this parents is always the same, with the reason always being Job/work schedules.

In Kenya the main options that parents have when it comes to their children’s education are basically limited to three options that include; public schools, private schools and home-schooling, well public schools and private schools have been embraced in most Kenyan homes with home-schooling reception remaining to be the lowest.

However in the recent past, a few Kenyan parents have plugged into the home-schooling curriculum for their children, well at least for the few that have been so gracious enough to share knowledge and information with the public. Championing the home schooling programme and being so open about it are the green calabash family ( as they are dubbed on their YouTube channel) whose really names are Shiko nguru and Rama.

The green calabash family is a family of five, entailing two parents and three children. Shiko nguru has always been seen as the family has always shared on their YouTube channel to be the one taking lead in the home-schooling of their children and indeed she is doing such an amazing job, to the public she has been too kind to share where she obtains her schooling materials, schedules she follows and even the exams the children to partake for their assessment.
Other Kenyans like activist Boniface Mwangi have also been seen making inquiries for the home-schooling programme, on his Facebook post he wrote;

This year we experienced the Competency based Curriculum (CBC). We are thinking of home-schooling our children. If you’re home-schooling your kids, a home-school teacher, or you were home-schooled, comment on this post so that we can learn from you. Iron sharpens iron. Thank you.

And many Kenyans were seen to support him on his post and even gave options and referrals for the currently available home schooling services currently available in the country.

The year has just began and hello parents happy new year!

What options are you considering for your children, would you home school your children?

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