Ken Walibora’s death investigations take a new turn


The investigations into the Late Kiswahili author, Ken Walibora, has taken a new curve. The new twist come at a time when detectives took his phone for screening. The last moments of his life were dramatic. Walibora had a big dispute with his publisher.

This is one of the theories police are pursuing as investigations into his death begin.

Police came up with the theory after analysing mobile phone records of the professor.

Police are also pursuing leads on whether the author was picked up by another car after parking his own on Kijabe Street in the hours leading up to his death.

The Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), after getting his phone’s call records, refuted claims by earlier theories on what might have caused his death.

According to eye witness, Ken was being chased by a group of men before being knocked by a minibus belonging to Double M sacco, along Landhies road.

Mr Walibora was rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital by well-wishers where he succumbed to injuries.

Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) morgue, immediate reports indicated that he was brought down by a speeding matatu while crossing the road, with his car keys on his hands, on April 10,2020.

Author Ken Walibora was found dead with eye witness claim he had been knocked down by a matatu. However, after a post-mortem was done on his body, government pathologist Dr. Johanssen Oduor stated he had Knife wounds.

Walibora was laid to rest yesterday in Cherang’any, TransNzoia county. May his soul rest in peace.

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