Kenya Launches First Insect Quarantine Facility In East And Central Africa


Kenya has launched the first insect quarantine facility in East and Central Africa. The facility is the second in Africa after South Africa, built and equipped at a cost of SH40 million.

The facility is located at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), and will help Kenya handle insects brought from other countries mainly for pest control purposes.

Insect quarantine serves as a classical biological control and non-polluting of pest control implementation, by which rearing and multiplication of species is carried out under controlled conditions in the facility.

Mohamed Elmi, Environment Chief Administrative Secretary said opening the facility  automatically places Kenya ahead of other African nations and makes work easier for plant and crop scientists.

“This is largely to protect our plants in the country and to tackle pests that are destroying our trees and crops. The first one coming is to support the maize sector which is being ravaged by the fall armyworm,” Elmi stated.


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