Kenyan Athlete Kibiwott Kandie Breaks Marathon Record In Europe

Athlete Kibiwott Kandie

On Sunday, December 6, Athlete Kibiwott Kandie broke the half marathon world record after clocking 57 minutes and 32 seconds in Valencia, Spain. Kandie is the latest Kenyan to break the world marathon record in Europe.

Kandie defeated Uganda’s Jacob Kiplimo, who finished second in the extremely competitive race, becoming the first person ever to break the 58 minute mark.

Kiplimo finished the race five seconds after Kandie, while another Kenyan, Rhonex Kipruto, finished third after 57 minutes and 49 seconds.

Other Kenyans who finished competitively included Alexander Mutiso (57:59), Philemon Kiplimo (58:11), Kelvin Kiptum (58:42) and Bravin Kipkogei Kiptoo (59:37).

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga congratulated the athlete stating that he had kept the country’s long distance winning tradition going.

“Congratulations Kibiwott Kandie on breaking the half marathon world record in Valencia. You have done us proud by keeping our nation’s long distance running tradition going and Kenyans are proud of you,” Raila stated.




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