King Kaka Talks Of How Hard His Life Became After The Release Of The Jam ‘Wajinga Nyinyi’

King Kaka
King Kaka

King Kaka has been known by many for his poetic style in his raps and how he has always talked of trending issues on his songs. One of the songs that he surely won’t forget in all of his career will be the track dubbed ‘Wajinga Nyinyi’ which he released a while ago.

The track had gone ahead and talked of the different ills that had befallen our country and how our leaders were taking the citizens for granted. It received massive airplay as most of the citizens seemed to agree with the rapper.

But that was just the half of it. On a recent interview, King Kaka went ahead and claimed that it reached a point where most politicians were calling on his phone. He even went ahead and claimed that the president himself, Uhuru Kenyatta called him but that could not be verified.

“Hiyo time ilikuwa noma sana . I never experienced something like that in my life as it got so intense to a point where I couldn’t even eat in a restaurant due to the many threats I was receiving because of the song” he said

King Kaka for a while now has been rumoured to be heading towards joining a political party and when he was asked about the issue his response was, “Every party has called me and when Im ready to vie if they support me but not now.
“I evaluate myself every year on my birthday, I look back on what I haven’t done and what needs to be done, I had a lot of plans for this year from family to business and my music but we shall get back to normalcy again.”

King Kaka
King Kaka

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