Leaders Condemn The Increase in Fuel Prices By EPRA

Fuel pump
Fuel pump

The latest review of fuel price by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has caused an uproar among Kenyans as the economy is already dwindling.

The new prices that were to be in use as from Monday 15 March have seen political leaders stand their ground and condemn the move.

According to Homa Bay County Senator Moses Kajwang’ the move was immoral and poor timing for EPRA to increase the fuel prices.

“It is immoral and poor timing for EPRA to increase fuel prices knowing very well how COVID-19 has decimated the fortune of Kenyans. It is an action that makes the government appear insensitive to the needs of the people,” posted Senator Kajwang’.

Eldas MP Adan Keynan also noted, “The crude oil market has been going down, therefore the frequent fuel prices increase without sufficient explanation is unacceptable.EPRA owes Kenyans an explanation.”

COTU Secretary Francis Atwoli has also condemned the duel price increase terming it outrages and insensitive and threatened to take action.

Fuel pump
Fuel pump

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