Lillian Muli’s Post That Had Akothee Siding With Her.

Lillian Muli and Akothee
Lillian Muli and Akothee

Citizen Television News anchor Lilian Muli has a different opinion considering the idea of creating social media account to your children before they come to an age they can make a decision.

Lillian Muli has come out to mention the importance of privacy to children. On her recent instagram post she claimed that parents should give their children the freedom to choose if they want to be social media influencers and not just putting them on social media.

“Privacy is power! Why are you professing your love to your person if they aren’t even on IG? Just tell them in person,” her post started off. She then added, ” I always wonder when we open Instagram accounts for our babies have we given them an option to grow up and decide whether they want a public life? Smh”

Akothee, the self proclaimed president of single mothers took to the comment section where she narrated how her 12 year old son is now asking for his account password. She regrets having opened the account for him cause some of the people on his account are really mean and he doesn’t know either of them.

Lillian then responded to Akothee claiming that she wouldn’t want her children exposed to mean statements.

Lillian Muli and Akothee
Lillian Muli and Akothee

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