Louis Van Gaal says he is not ready to quit United.Just not yet.

van gaal
van gaal

Louis van Gaal insisted after Manchester United’s 0-0 draw against Chelsea yesterday, he has no intention of quitting as manager of the spluttering Premier League team.

Van Gaal had hinted after Saturday’s 2-0 loss at Stoke that he was on the verge of resigning and it was widely suggested that another flop, after four successive defeats, would signal the end of his reign.

In the event, United performed reasonably well at Old Trafford but once again lacked any cutting edge as Chelsea held on for a draw that left van Gaal’s side in sixth, five points outside the top four and without a win in eight games in all competitions.

Asked in a post-match interview for his latest thoughts on his future, van Gaal told BT Sport: “Will I resign? On the contrary. When the players can give such a performance with a lot of pressure, there is not any reason to resign for me. Maybe the media wants me to but I shall not resign.

“It’s not a question of staying, it’s a question of fulfilling my contract.

“For me, it is not an interesting subject because I cannot have any influence on that, I can only work with my players and you can see they are fighting for me.

“Even after this result the fans were applauding so I cannot say I’m very much concerned. In this football world you never know, but I’m fully confident in the board and my players.”

Van Gaal conceded that United’s form is unacceptable for a club of their status, but he was adamant he still had a strong relationship with his players, many of whom were said to be unhappy with his tactics.

“We have forced the luck and still we didn’t score and that is unbelievable when you see what happens today. I am frustrated,” he told BBC Sport.

“I thank my players for the performance but we need a victory. It gives a lot of hope for the fans. My relationship with players, board and staff members is very good. There is no reason to sack me.

“The results are not good enough. I know that, they players and board know that. It can be different in about one month.”

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