Maajabu! Church In Kawangware Where Members Get Whipped For Coming Late

Prophetess Mary Sinaida disciplining members
Prophetess Mary Sinaida disciplining members

A church in kawangware known as Jerusalem Church of Christ has gone viral after photos emerged of how members were handled.

The house of God being led by Prophetess Mary Sinaida Akatsa has shocked many by the way it operates and treats it’s members.

It is said during the Sunday service members get locked out when late for the worship service. Anyone who arrives past the normal set time 10 am is not allowed in.

When prophetess Mary was asked why she uses such tough measures on members, she responded by saying the house of God should be respected.

“People must respect the word of God and it begins by arriving in church on time. People report to work early and the house of God should not be an exception”, she said. 

Apart from being locked out, members are also whipped and slapped for such. She has also set rules of separating males and females while in church.

She does so to avoid the mix up in which male will admire the female.

“My church has beautiful women. They will make men forget the word of God,” she added. 

Members of the church
Members of the church
Prophetess Mary Sinaida disciplining members
Prophetess Mary Sinaida disciplining members

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