Man Arrested For Stabbing Colleague To Death Over Food Preparation

Image of persons holding knife
Image of persons holding knife

A man is being held in police custody at Kirinyaga awaiting arraignment in court for stabbing his colleague following an argument over food.

The suspect is alleged to have stubbed 30-years-old Charles Mbogo inside their shared house, killing him on the spot.

This is after they disagreed on whose turn it was to prepare food.

According to police reports, the two friends argued over who should prepare supper on the night of Saturday March 20, before the issue got out of hand.

The ssuspect is alleged to have reached for a kitchen knife and stabbed the victim repeatedly in the chest leading to his death.

A witness who was narrating to police officers said  he heard screams coming from the house, hence rushed to the scene to investigate.

The suspect manged to escape from the house after the neighbors rushed to the scene. However, he was fished out from his hideout by police officers who acted on a tip-off.

The two were friends who worked together in a farm in Ndia constituency in Kirinyaga county.

Image of persons holding knife
Image of persons holding knife

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