Man Who Slit son’s Throat Arrested In Attempt To Flee

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Image someone arrested

Nehemiah Asiago 41, who slit his son’s throat using a kitchen knife June last year 2020 has been arrested in attempt to flee the country to Qatar.

After dodging and evading the authorities for a while since he committed the offence, Nehemiah was nabbed while trying to board a Qatar bound flight.

In an unthinkable incident, Asiago shocked everyone at Bomakobi village in Suneka when he killed his son Byron Asiago in cold blood then immediately disappeared before he could be brought to book.

It is believed he committed the offence under the influence of alcohol since he was intoxicated when a argument arose after questioning his son what he had brought home from his day at the local center.

Offended by his father’s nagging since he was unemployed and had gone to seek for a job that didn’t work out as expected, Byrone asked his father the same question, asking him what he had brought home after his day’s activities rather than being drunk. This made Nehemiah more angry that he literally sent his son to be with his maker.

After that incident, the father went into hiding and has been secretly operating between Nakuru and Nairobi untill the officers took advantage of him resurfacing trying to flee the country. He’s being interrogated for further details that may be of use in the investigations.

Image someone arrested
Image someone arrested

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