Military In Mali Arrest President Bah Ndaw Alongside PM Moctar Quane After Controversial Cabinet Reshuffle

Acting president Bah Ndaw Arrested alongside prime minister Moctar Quane
Acting president Bah Ndaw Arrested alongside prime minister Moctar Quane

Tension has gripped Mali after a group of military soldiers arrested and detained acting president Bah Ndaw and prime minister Moctar Quane following a controversial cabinet reshuffle.

On Tuesday, August 19, 2020 the military stormed Bamako and arrested President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita alongside senior state officers.

According to international media outlets, defence minister Souleymane Doucoure was also arrested alongside the two.

The soldiers took the trio to a military base in Kati outside the country’s capital, Bamako, hours after two military members lost their positions in a government reshuffle.

This move has created a possibility of another second coup d’etat in nine months, drawing harsh critics from the African Union(AU) and other international organizations.

Acting president Bah Ndaw Arrested alongside prime minister Moctar Quane
Acting president Bah Ndaw Arrested alongside prime minister Moctar Quane

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