Millions of “Nairobi Fly” have invaded Kabarnet town


Millions of Narrow Bee flies, popularly known as “Nairobi Fly” have invaded Kabarnet town, Baringo Count. This has caused major scare and paralysing in operations.

They covered large parts of the road including the bus stage and business premises.

The insects caused a scare in the town with residents forced to flee and shut down businesses.

The substance is released when the insect is crushed against the skin. The effects, which include itching and ugly patches of blisters on the skin, may not show in the first 12 to 24 hours. Symptoms start to show two to three weeks,” MedicalHub says.

Apart from a scaly skin or itching, one may develop a condition known as “Nairobi Eye” when they touch their eyes with hands that had come into contact with the toxin.

David Kiplagat, a community leader, expressed fear that the presence of the insects might be a sign of a plague since the county recently dealt with locust invasion.


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