Museveni’s Tweet That Had The Whole Of Uganda Smiling


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had to lock down his country due to the pandemic Corona Virus that has had half of the world on lock down.

Initially Uganda had tested 150 people who had been put in quarantine with 41 of them who were from the quarantine group and 109 had been in close contact with the ones in quarantine.

Yesterday Museveni took to twitter to announce that they all came out testing negative from the virus.

His post read, “Greetings again.

Today’s testing for COVID-19 was with 150 people. All turned out negative. 41 were from the quarantine group, 109 were from the districts that had been suspected of having come in contact with the returnees. I will reply to your comments on Friday.”

Kenya is at 172 and the number is likely to sprout if we are not careful.

Projections show that by end of April, Africa will be having over 500 thousand victims of the virus. This doesn’t look good.

But we can stop it if leaders choose to help the government by talking to their electorate on the need to stay safe and follow all the measures put in place to stop the spread of the disease.

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