Passengers Travelling by Flight Will not be Forced To Undergo Quarantine if Temperature is Below 37 Degrees

Flights to resume on july
Flights to resume on july

After the president lifted the travel ban on flights, he gave directives for flights to start operating from 15th July. Cabinet secretary James Macharia revealed only 5 airlines had so far confirmed that they would be operational which include Kenya Airways, Jambo jet, Aim Air, Boskovic Air and Scenic Safaris.

The transport cabinet secretary stated passengers travelling into the country will not be forced to undergo the 14 days quarantine upon arriving if their temperature is below 37 degrees.

He said in any suspecting situation the passengers within two rows show symptoms, they would be tested. If their results turned out to be negative, they would be then allowed to leave the airport. However, if it turns out positive they will be quarantined in accordance with Ministry of Health guidelines.

He later stated this measure is to boost the tourism economy that was highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

James Macharia on flights reopening


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