Pastor Caught having S##x with follower at Dawn.


A pastor from a local church in Isinya was caught in a room in his church with a wife of one of his followers. Angry worshipers in the Pentecostal Ministries Church who had gone for early morning prayers caught the ‘hyena’ pastor in the act and almost beat up the pastor who was whisked away by police.

“We can’t believe this. We saw a woman peeping in the church and wanted to know what was going on. She then ran off shouting, and this prompted us to investigate further,”

one worshiper said.

Some church members said they had earlier heard the pastor instruct the woman to avail herself in the church very early in the morning. A member who had the randy pastor and his ‘sheep’ planning the ‘morning glory’ session informed the woman’s husband who was also among those who busted the man of cloth.

The woman was suspected of having an affair with the pastor. The woman’s husband claims he had been investigating his wife following suspicions that the two could be having an affair.

“We had them talk about meeting at 4am, so we set a trap. At 5am, they were already in the act in on the rooms,”

Some worshipers said.

The woman who was caught naked allegedly ran for her dear life in her birthday suit as she didn’t have time to grab her clothes. Police are still looking for the woman. The pastor was taken to Isinya Police station. Confirming the incident, area police boss Stephen Weda cautioned area residents against taking law into their own hands.

Contributed by Cate Mukei TheNairobian

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