Pastor Peter Ambuka Blames President Uhuru Kenyatta And Other Politicians For The Third Wave

Pefa Kahawa west pastor Peter Ambuka
Pefa Kahawa west pastor Peter Ambuka

A pastor has blamed the president and other politicians for the Covid-19 third wave in Kenya.

In an online video posted on Sunday evening, Pefa Kahawa West Bishop Peter Ambuka said the people of Kenya have greatly suffered since the pandemic struck last year.

“Mr President, you and your fellow politicians are to blame for this devastating third wave of Covid-19 infections in the country. And the buck stops with you,” Ambuka said.

Peter Ambuka stated when the curve started to flatten, Uhuru and ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga began talking about Building Bridges Initiative and why we needed a referendum soon.

When the pandemic started we joined you and endured the lockdown with you. We endured job losses, businesses were closed, livelihoods were taken away in the hope of normalcy,” he said.

“…And when your former brother William Ruto saw this, he also resumed his 2022 campaigns disregarding the MOH protocols.”

“It is this careless action by politicians that have made the rallies to be super-spreaders of Covid-19.”

He said it was unfortunate that Kenyans are the ones to suffer the consequences.

“We do this as you continue leaving your lavish lifestyle thanks to the taxes we continue to pay even as we lose jobs due to the pandemic,” he said.

He said the President should have laid down plans of how to eradicate the virus in the five counties.

Pefa Kahawa west pastor Peter Ambuka
Pefa Kahawa west pastor Peter Ambuka

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