Political Class Grab Health Workers Vaccine Priority

Health worker
Health worker

Politicians, cabinet secretaries and principal secretaries have been placed on the priority list to receive the Covid 19 vaccine that arrived in the country on 3rd March 2021.

The priority was meant to be given to the frontline workers and the health workers battling the pandemic but the political class has again grabbed the opportunity.

The 1.02 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses are part of 24 million doses the country has ordered to vaccinate 20 per cent of its population.

Kenya has now joined three other countries – Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria – that have so far received their consignments of Covid-19 jabs through the Covax facility.

For Kenyans, the good news is the vaccine is here. But hold your horses— not everyone is on the priority list, later on the vaccine will be available for everyone for at a fee up to Ksh 200.

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta, his Deputy William Ruto ,health Minister Mutahi Kagwe and ODM leader Raila Odinga will receive a covid-19 vaccine jab publicly on Friday at KNH.

Health worker
Health worker

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