President Uhuru Drives Himself to Inspect Government Measures Placed to Combat Covid-19

uhuru drives
uhuru drives

President Uhuru Kenyatta drove around Nairobi alongside his security guard vehicles which made up his convoy. Uhuru made his way to a roadblock in Ndenderu, Kiambaa along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway where he stopped at around 1.25 p.m inspecting the government measures in combating COVID-19.

The President took time to engage the police officers manning the roadblock in conversation, calling for strict enforcement of the travel restrictions he announced banning movement into and out of the Nairobi Metropolitan Area.

Police set up roadblocks isolating the Nairobi Metropolitan Area on April 7, 2020.

Uhuru also reportedly thanked the officers for their work, praising them for playing their part in the fight against the virus.

As it started raining, Uhuru is said to have left the roadblock, heading towards the Ruaka area in Kiambu County.

Uhuru had extended the cessation of movement order for the Nairobi Metropolitan Area, Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale Counties by 21 more days on Saturday, April 25.

In an emerging trend, the President was spotted driving himself around the city later that day with three Toyota Land Cruiser vehicles towing

It’s not the first time the president has driven himself, in February, he drove himself to Nyayo Stadium to inspect preparations for former President Daniel Arap Moi‘s National Memorial Service and was previously pictured in traffic in Nairobi in February 2019.

uhuru drives
Uhuru drives

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