Prince Harry set to win big while in talks with banking giants

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prince harry duke of sussex and meghan duchess of sussex news photo

The Duke of Sussex has discussed working with the controversial US finance firm Goldman.

Talks began November, around the time Harry and Meghan said they were going to quit the royal family.

Their bid for financial independence has now led to a PR guru suggesting they may earn £1billion in corporate deals and brand ambassador roles.

Goldman does not pay its guest speakers but sources say it could pave the way for the Sussexes to forge a l­ucrative future relationship.

Lastweek Harry spoke at an event sponsored by another big bank, JP Morgan, in Miami about having therapy and his struggles to deal with his mother’s death.

But the couple’s courting of big corporations is alarming some in royal circles who fear they could sully the royal brand.

In 2016, Goldman agreed to pay a $5billion settlement for its role in the 2008 financial crisis.

Goldman, and JP Morgan, were accused of piling debt on thousands of ­homeowners with toxic ­mortgages while raking in tens of billions in revenue a year.

PR consultant expert Mark Borkowski said: “They’re going to earn fortunes, whether through speeches or ambassador work these are £1billion handshakes.”

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    prince harry duke of sussex and meghan duchess of sussex news photo

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