Quarantine Results: baby number 2 loading for Terence

Comedian Terence with her wife
Comedian Terence with her wife

This time of isolation could be a period of great growth or great struggle in your relationship Kenyan comedian, Terence Creative fears that by the end of it all, his wife might end up expectant.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has pushed many companies to require employees to work from home for an extended period of time, as public health officials try to curb the spread of the virus.

So what happens now that spouses are staying home all day, and many unmarried couples.

Couples are concerned about family planning, if they don’t watch out.

Terence Creative, a father of one, falls under the last category.

Sharing a short clip during the ongoing quarantine period while home, he constantly asked his wife over to their room, for some good time.

The couple forewarned of a possible baby number two if this quarantine stays on much longer.

As a result, spouses and partners who haven’t worked much together discover new things about how they operate.

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