Senate Meet Today To Discuss on How to Curb Covid -19

the senate
the senate

Senators will consider measures the government has put in place or proposes to cushion Kenyans from the impact of the virus and any other business they will deem fit to discuss.

The 67-member House will have only 15 senators, the number necessary for a quorum to transact today’s business.

The Senate contributed Ksh.200million towards the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya from their annual budget allocation.

A statement from Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka said a number of measures have been taken by the various levels of Government and various State officers.

“The Senate Business Committee resolved that the Senate shall yield the sum of Ksh. 200 million from our budget allocation in the current Financial Year 2019/2020 to aid in the efforts of the Government in combating the coronavirus pandemic,” he said.

This follows a committee meeting held on Monday, March 30, 2020.

The Speaker requested the Parliamentary Service Commission to take the necessary administrative measures to yield the stated sum from the budget of the Senate to the National Treasury.

With Kenya having reported  50 cases of the novel coronavirus, one death, and one recover this may seem us the senate giving the people its money back cumulatively which is a good gesture.

the senate
the senate



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