Shammy, Wife To Diamond’s Manager Babu Tale Dies.

Shammy and Tale
Shammy and Tale

Diamond’s manager Babu Tale is in grief over the death of his wife Samsha Binti Kombo, populary known as Shammy.  She died on June 28 around 12:03 am according to Abdu Tale, brother to Babu Tale. Diamond’s mother also posted the sad news on her Instagram account saying she died in the morning.

She wrote; WCB label’s (manager’s) wife and mother of his children Hamis Taletale @babutale Shammy died earlier today.”

It is said that Shammy was in ICU after developing breathing difficulties. According to Abdu Tale, Shammy first had Malaria and ulcers before developing  difficulties in breathing.

Many people and celebrities were saddened and shocked by the news as they took to their twitter and Instangram accounts to share their deeep sorrows with the deceased’s family. Some  of them have shared the moments they once had with Shammy terming her as sweet,caring soul who was fun to be around.

Shammy was a wife and a mother who has left behind four kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. We pray for God’s healing and strength to Shammy’s family at large.

babu tale and his kids
Babu tale and his kids

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