Speaker Lusaka Sued for Neglecting Unborn Child, Woman Demands Sh25 Million

Kenneth lusaka
Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka.

Speaker of the Senate Ken Lusaka has been sued by a woman who is allegedly carrying his child.

The unidentified woman through her lawyer, Danstan Omari, said that the speaker has neglected his responsibilities towards his unborn child.

The woman wants Sh200,000 per month in support for her unborn child or a lump sum of Sh25 million if the speaker is unable to meet his monthly obligations.

According to court documents, Lusaka and the woman were together from 2018 until May 2021, when the relationship ended after she revealed she was pregnant.

“The cause of their disagreement was exacerbated by Lusaka’s insistence on terminating the pregnancy, a proposal that the applicant declined to accede to and now she is three months pregnant and counting since she discovered that she was expectant of Lusaka’s child as she has not been intimate with any other man other than the respondent, a fact that can be confirmed through a prenatal paternity test,” court documents read in part.

The woman also claims that the former Bungoma governor ignored her pre-natal needs, perhaps in the hope that she would miscarry.

The case will be heard on July 7.

Kenneth lusaka
Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka.

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