Students In Various Schools Test Positive For Covid-19 After Resuming Classes


Shortly after the Ministry of Education reopened schools for finalists and grade 4 students, various schools have reported positive covid-19 cases among their students.

Ruth Koech, the Nandi County Health Executive, confirmed a case at Kabote SDA Secondary school in Nandi Hills.

“A team of experts was dispatched to the schools and tests revealed a case at Kabote Secondary. The health teams are closely monitoring schools to ensure the situation is under control,” Ruth Koech stated.

The student from Kabote SDA Secondary school was taken to the county’s Isolation Centre.

In a different incident, a positive case was confirmed at St Peter’s Boys in Kakamega county where a form four student was admitted to an isolation centre in Mumias after he tested positive for the virus.

Dr. Collins Matemba, the Kakamega County Health Executive, said that they were closely watching the situation in the school.

If the cases among leaners keep on increasing, Nicholas Maiyo, the National Parents Association chairman, stated that they would petition the government to close schools.

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