Tanasha Donna Finally Open Up About The Great Fall Out They Had With Diamond


Tanasha Donna and Diamond Platinumz had been in a relationship for about 2 years. It just shows how good things might had been until the fall out came.

They did not tell each us why it all ended like it did but now Tanasha has spoken.

In an interview with true love magazine she said, “For the past six months, we were still trying to see how we could make things work and then it got to a point where you feel like the other person has just lost interest,”

“It’s not because of anything emotional I would say is not living up to certain expectations he had in the relationship. It’s nobody’s fault. Everyone is the way they are and when you don’t live up to this person’s expectations for some people it is not easy to handle while for some it’s okay.

“I would say that is where things started going down cos i wanted to be my own person and really wanted to be in this relationship. When you love yourself, you’ll be able to love in a relationship. You Will be able to love your family, your child so it starts with self love,” said Tanasha.

She said she is done pleasing men. And in another interview she said she was not going to let anyone fornicate with her until he puts a ring on it.

Turns out that Tanasha was not enough for Diamond and Diamond had ended up being unfaithful to her many times before she finally gave up.


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