Tanasha Donna Hits She is Done with Simba

Tanasha Donna
Tanasha Donna

Tanasha Donna, The mother of one who recently collaborated with her baby daddy and made it seem like they were the Bonny and Clyde of Africa has hinted that she is done with Diamond Platinumz.

People have been telling her that she and Diamond would soon be done no matter what she might do.

She went ahead online and posted some cryptic messages about narcissistic people that left many in suspense on what might be going on.

The former radio presenter then urged women to stay away from selfish narcissists who never see their erroneous ways.

To her, that is not love and can only be termed as a form of manipulation.

The beauty who possibly became a single mum overnight claimed such people are evil and they have no soul left in them. “It is like dancing with the devil. Forgive them, walk away and let God deal with their karma,” Tanasha bitterly declared.

To make matters worse, Tanasha deleted all Instagram photos of her bae and his family members before ranting and venting on her instastories.

She did not leave any photos to chance.

She took it all down from her romantic pregnancy shoot to the lovely message that she had penned to Diamond sister, Esma platinum fizzled to thin air.

The two began dating early last year, about a year after Diamond separated with his former girlfriend Zari Hassan, a Ugandan socialite.

Zari said she dumped Diamond for cheating on her with many women.

Zari had gone ahead and told the risk of star that it will end soon. But the singer, Tanasha Donna despised that statement saying that she and Diamond come as a packaged deal and will be so for as long as they live.

Even fans had asked if she was not scared of being dumped by diamond in which she said that Diamond’s history doesn’t define his future.

Even if he had many exes she also had her exes and life must move on.

We do not know half of the story but something is up between the two.

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