Taraji P Henson to the World; Talking about your feelings is not a sign of weakness.


Don’t expect Taraji P. Henson to keep her conversations fluffy. The 48-year-old Empire actress is an open book when it comes to her personal life, often talking about her own mental health and how she raised a now 24-year-old son, Marcell, as a single mother. And in her brutally honest memoir, Around the Way Girl, she keeps it, well, brutally honest.

All my life I’ve been told that talking about my feelings is a sign of weakness. I’m a single mother. I don’t want people to think I’m invincible or that I’m so strong and can do it all. I can’t,” Henson says. “I have problems and issues just like everyone else. By me saying that, I’m starting to see more people come forward. That’s the first thing I wanted to do is just break the ice and have an open dialogue.”

When you’re talking about mental illness, you can’t pray the flu away or for a broken leg to be healed. I’m not saying prayer doesn’t work. The only way it’s going to change is if we acknowledge it exists. Once more people get more comfortable talking about it, we have to get these people to places where they can talk. The resources are there, it’s just about compiling them all. Right now, we’re just kind of flailing in the wind and wondering how do we go about looking for an African-American therapist. That’s so broad and daunting. When you’re suffering, you want to give up.

The Empire star and actress best known for her role on Empire as “cookie” has spoken, lets all learn to unbottle our feelings, be your brother’s keeper always. At least always try to listen.


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